Laban Bil Bayd !Shmamit bil Laban!
Had never heard of it before? The recipe is from a Middle Eastern cuisine! Yummy it’s such delicious and filling comfort food!!
6 large Eggs
1 kg Plain Greek Yogurt
2 tbsp. Corn Starch
1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
4 large Cloves Garlic (Crushed)
2 tsp. dried Mint
1 tsp. Salt
Prepare laban matboukh
Cooking yogurt without curdling is the addition of the cornstarch. You need to dissolve it beforehand in water and then add it to the yogurt.
Place the yogurt, (laban) in a shallow cooking pan over medium-high heat, start stirring immediately, and don’t stop until it starts boiling, then turn down the temperature and leave to simmer for around 10 minutes, without stirring.
Break in the eggs one at a time, and drop them on top of the yogurt (laban matboukh), (careful not to break the eggs), while spacing them evenly. Cook until the eggs are set, cooked hard.
Crush the garlic with the salt, then heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the garlic, stir fry for few minutes until golden color.
Pour the garlic over the cooked yogurt with eggs, and sprinkle with the dried mint on top.
Serve immediately with Pita Bread.
It’s very simple to make, the only trick being to break the eggs so close to the yogurt that they keep their shape as much as possible.